


NOVORAY Held Listing in National Equities Exchange and Quotations


NOVORAY held listing in National Equities Exchange and Quotations with much honor in Beijing. Li Xiaodong, Chairman and General Manger of the Company, attended the ceremony of listing and gave a speech on it. The successful listing of NOVORAY means the company has entered a new period of development!

兴安盟| 鄄城县| 新化县| 东阳市| 泰州市| 泰和县| 澳门| 洛川县| 当雄县| 溆浦县| 新化县| 遂宁市| 荥经县| 洛隆县| 娱乐| 育儿| 钟山县| 汕头市| 湟中县| 花莲县| 施甸县| 阿图什市| 丹寨县| 广水市| 杂多县| 象山县| 大丰市| 建瓯市| 华坪县| 安仁县| 北流市| 孝昌县| 荥经县| 湘西| 高尔夫| 辽阳市| 慈溪市| 罗定市| 白沙| 塔城市| 溆浦县|